Author Archives: admin

Marriage God’s Way

This is Celia C. Tillman bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.  Our lesson for this month is MARRIAGE GOD’S WAY.

Marriage is the oldest institution that was created and ordained by God.  However, the book of Genesis is a book of beginnings, whose author was God Almighty. He completed his work in six days and rested on the seventh day, (Genesis 2:2); “the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and man became a living soul,” (Genesis 2:7).  However, after God had made man, there was not found a “help meet” for him, (Genesis 2:20), and “God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh,” (Genesis 2:21).  However, with the rib that God had taken from the man, God made woman and brought her to the man, Genesis 2:22).  Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man,” (Genesis 2:23).  Continue reading

The Battle Field

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C Tillman bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.  Our lesson for this month is THE BATTLE FIELD.  Many of us, however, like to categorize the battles that we are facing from day to day.  Some say, however, that it is a battle just to survive and make a living or to remain in your right mind.  Yes, remaining in our right mind can be impossible to do, if we only trust in ourselves and have no faith in God.  Ladies, we may end up with no mind.

We must let the word of Christ dwell in us richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in our hearts to the Lord, (Colossians 3:16); (Philippians 2:5).  However, in order for the word of God to be in us, we must study his precepts, (II Timothy 2:15).  The Bible or the precepts of God is our road map to heaven.  However, before we can claim our prize we must fight in God’s army and be found worthy. Continue reading

In Times Such As These

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.  Our lesson for this month is IN TIMES SUCH AS THESE.  Ladies, we must be strong and courageous in the Lord because He is our protector and water of life.  This water, however, is capable of healing; soothing the disturbed mind when it has gone through a drought because of the cares of this world. Continue reading

Words of Devotion

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.  Our lesson for this month is WORDS OF DEVOTION.  The word DEVOTION is a noun, meaning love, loyalty or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or a cause.  However, many times we fail to give devotion to God first and to thank him for the many blessings that he has so richly bestowed upon us. Even for the little things we take for granted, like the wind blowing upon our faces on a hot summer day;  wakening from a good night sleep to be blessed to see a brand new day.  We should be thankful for our ears to hear the birds chirping and making their melodious sounds, and to see with our eyes, the ants that are workers who are busy gathering food for the queen ant; the rain after a hot summer day, the sun that brighten the day; the stars that glows so beautifully on a clear night are all manifestation of who God is.  The Psalmist David said, “Let everything that hath breathe praise the Lord,” (Psalm 150:6). Continue reading

Obedience Verses Excuses

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.

Our lesson for this month is OBEDIENCE VERSES EXCUSES.  Many of us make excuses when we try to justify the wrongness, or sin that we commit.  I can remember lectures given by my mother on lying and being trust worthy.  She would say, “If something is not yours, don’t take it, but ask if you want it, and if you take it you are a thief.”  However, many times as young children and even adults try to justify or rationalize why they choose to disobey those that have their best interest at heart.  I can remember when I was thirteen years old there was a pink chest where my Mother always kept her lingerie and keep-sakes.  I would often look into the pink chest admiring the things that was so neatly placed. One morning, however, I was getting dress for school, and I looked into the pink chest; took my Mother’s pink hip-slip (half slip) and wore it to school.  I felt no remorse at the time but justified in wearing it because I had to dress out for Physical Education (PE).  It wasn’t like I had no undergarments of my own but mine was old, and I wanted to impress the girls in the locker room.  However later that day, I placed the slip back into the pink chest.  The Bible teaches that our sins will find us out, (Numbers 32:23).  How naïve I was to think that my Mother wouldn’t find me out. Continue reading

Standing In The Presence of God!

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman, bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.  Our lesson for this month is STANDING IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD.  There have been many well known or renowned men who have spoken before hundreds and thousands of people with a speech that was well polished and sentence structured.  However, many hours were spent in the preparation, with the hope that their speech would be well received.  Ladies, God is not concern of how well we speak, but when we speak that we have faith in him; believe that he is the one who  will reward us who will diligently seek him, (Hebrew 11:6). Continue reading

Precious Moments of Women In Christ & Finding Time For The Important Things!

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman, bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.  Our lesson for this month is PRECIOUS MOMENTS OF WOMEN IN CHRIST AND FINDING TIME FOR THE IMPORTANT THINGS.  We, as Christian women, should always have an open mind to listen to God of how he wants us to conduct ourselves in this present world.  I don’t know about you Ladies but I am eternally grateful that God made me a woman, (Genesis 2:21-23), and I strive to be that kind of a woman he wants me to be.  I understand that I have a mission to accomplish and that mission is to lift up Christ.  I also realize that I don’t own me and that I have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus Christ, (Ephesians 1:7); that I must glorify Christ in my body where the Holy Spirit dwells (the word of God) of which was a gift.  What I am trying to say Ladies, is that God paid a great price for me and I am to honor him with this body I now possess, (I Corinthians 6:19-20). Continue reading

Crushed & Stirred Up!

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman, bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.  Our lesson for this month is, CRUSHED AND STIRRED UP.  Let me pause for a moment.  How are you today, and how has life been treating you?  Some of you may answer subconsciously, “I am tired; I am alone, I am troubled, and everything has gone wrong, and I can’t seem to make it right.”  Now, now Ladies, I am here to tell you that you and I are in the hands of a mighty, mighty, and powerful God!  He is able to transform us into servants profitable and fit for his kingdom.

The Apostle Paul, before his conversion persecuted Christians and the Church of God, and made “havoc,” or wasted it and caused destruction, (Galatians 1:13; Acts 9:1-2).  He was also chosen by God to be a vessel to proclaim the Gospel to the Gentiles and that he, Paul would suffer many things for the cause of Christ, (Acts 9:15-16). Continue reading

The Chain Must Be Broken

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman, bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.

Our lesson on last month was entitled, WHY DO WE WEEP?  Many of us weep over the devastation or destruction of Sin and the consequences it leaves behind.  However, our lesson for this month is, The CHAIN MUST BE BROKEN.  Ladies I am speaking of the Chain of Sin and the only way it can be broken is by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Mankind has no excuse to continue this life of sin because God sent a worthy sacrifice from Heaven and to die for the entire human race.  This Jesus Christ, the only begotten of his father came redeeming, and breaking every chain of sin that leads to a spiritual separation from God. Continue reading

Why Do We Weep?

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.  Our lesson for this month is WHY DO WE WEEP?  Many of us weep, however, because we have become sorrowful over a tragedy, for example, the death of a love one or even we weep (cry) when we are happy (tears of joy), or when we are angry.  Sometimes, many of us let our emotions get the best of us, when we see and hear of unpleasant things that mankind inflict upon others.

We often listen to the radio or see on the news where crime is on the rise.  Ladies, men have become so corrupt that they break into house, and even kill to satisfy the lust that rage within them.  The innocents are being killed or exploited for personal gain, sex trafficking and the distribution of illegal drugs have become a way of life for some, and those that use it have no guilt or remorse. Continue reading