Category Archives: Blog

Shelter In The Time Of A Storm

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman, bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.  Our lesson for today is SHELTER IN THE TIME OF A STORM.  First, let us focus our attention on two key words, shelter and storm.  Webster’s Dictionary defines shelter as a covering of protection and something that provides refuge; a storm as a disturbed or agitated state, a sudden or violent commotion. Continue reading

Jesus Was Born & Now He Has Risen!


Ladies, it gives me a wonderful feeling to witness a newborn baby making its grand entry into the world.  The child is so lovely, and innocent; I wonder what shall become of him or her.  Will this child, when he reaches the age of understanding, continue to obey the teaching of Christ or will he follow the dictators of the world, or will he be killed by evil men for personal gain?  Some questions, however, may never be answered, but thank God we do know that we have a Savior who was born, and he died and now sits on the right hand of his Father in Heaven. Continue reading

What Are Your Beatitudes? 

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman, bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises.  Our lesson for today is, WHAT IS YOUR BEATITUDES?  Ladies, first let us define the word beatitudes, we divide the word (b e), means to exist; to live, and have a state of existence, or quality; to remain; to happen; to belong. An attitude is the mental or moral disposition, the way one thinks, acts or feel, (New Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus, Copyright © 1991).  Continue reading

Love Regardless!

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman, bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises. Our lesson for today is LOVE REGARDLESS. Today, we live in a society where we as mankind find it easy to love those who love us, but we have to very careful that we as Christians not have this same mind set. Jesus teaches and warns us as Christians that if we love those that love us and lend them that we expect to receive that we are no better than the unbelievers, Luke 6:32-34. Continue reading

True Love

Hello Ladies,

This is Celia C. Tillman, bringing you greetings and encouragement from the Honey-Comb of Praises. Our lesson for today is TRUE LOVE. Ladies when I think of true love, my mind takes me back to the scripture in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Yes, God promised a life of being with him forever where there will be no more dying, no more pain, and tears, Revelation 21:1-4; when this body, (physical) is “dissolved, we have a building not made with hands,” II Corinthians 5:1. Continue reading

The Great Physician

Hello Ladies, this is Celia C. Tillman,

Bringing you greetings from the Honey-Comb of Praises, and openly expressing situations that we face from day to day. However, some of of these situations, may come in the form of sickness, or some other emotional condition. Who do we call when these conditions occur? Usually, we seek professional help, in the form of a doctor or physician. Continue reading

Welcome to Honeycomb of Praises Blog!

Greetings and Welcome to Honeycomb of Praise.  I’m Celia Tillman, mother, bible school teacher, author and most importantly a Child of God!

One of my visions was to compile a book of poem, praises, prayers and speeches that I have written over the years.  I share with you words of encouragement that I have given to others and my own self as I walk through the journey of life of this earth.

This website is a place where you can come and find my latest blog post or bible study ideas. Also, I would love for you to consider joining my Honeycomb Club.  You’ll receive a motivational email twice monthly and ideas of living a joy-filed life in Christ Jesus!

What Is the Honey-Comb of Praises?

I often get asked the question, “What is the Honeycomb of Praises?” So, I want to share with you my explanation of it, which is really what this website is all about.

Let us first define what a honeycomb is. The honeycomb is a structure of thin wall cells constructed from bees wax by honey bees to hold honey and eggs, (Heritage Dictionary, based on the new Second College Edition, printed for Holt, Rhinehart; Winston Inc., copyright 1983, pg 333). Continue reading

How Sweet Are They Words Unto My Taste!

How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Ye sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through thy precept, I get understanding:therefore I hate every false way, Psalm 119:103-104

David was the son of Jesse, and the grandson of Obed. He was the youngest of his seven brothers; a keeper of his father’s sheep, I Samuel 16:11. The name David, however, is defined as “beloved”, meaning, esteemed highly;favored above another.

The prophet, Samuel was instructed, by the Lord to stop mourning the rejection of Saul, because he had provided himself a king in the house of Jesse, among his sons, I Samuel 16:1. The Lord chose David, and anointed him to be king over Israel, I Samuel 16:12-16. Continue reading

Today I Sing!


When I was a child, about eight or nine years of age, I would always have a song on my heart.  The songs that I heard came from my mother’s “little brown radio,” with the big black dials. The dial would always be turned to one Gospel station. Continue reading